Red dead auto
Monday, 1 December 2014
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Google Maps/Satellite
Google maps is already sort of a virtual tour, it shows you the maps of all the countries and cities. But there is one option when you choose to click on satellite which takes you around the world in real pictures from satellites, you can go basically anywhere, but only within roads.
Youvisit is a site where you can visit someones created tour, or make your own. There is lots of advertisements and events of virtual places around the world.
This site is a site where you visit famous places in London, like Buckingham palace. When you do it you can see the whole of London from a building called Londons eye and you click on like the big ben or something.
Monster Miltruck is like google earth but WAY better, you get to drive around the world and do jumps with a Milktruck, its a bit glitchy but its fun
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Sunday, 23 November 2014
What is an internet forum? A website that people write on
Have you ever posted on a forum? Explain. Yes I have posted on steam, I reviewed The Walking Dead S2 the game (which is actually good) and said what things I like and don't like
What is a thread? Some link that takes you to a thing that you or someone else is having a problem with
What is the forum administrator’s job? to make a good forum to moderate the forums and reply to peoples forum comments and make sure they aren't advertisements or inappropriate sites
What are some different names for forums? Steam (steams a website with a forum) (also a website with a forum)
Find a forum on and provide a link for:
- Minecraft
- Rugby
What do you think the rules for posting on a forum are? No advertising, no trolling/insulting, no virus links
What do you think the consequences are for breaking the forum rules? Ban from the site
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Life Education
At life education I learnt about drugs and how it affects people, it talked about how we shouldn't do it and what it does to you. There was one session when he talked about the cycle of addiction, this occurs when someone starts a drug and keeps taking it to the point where they feel like they need to take it everyday to feel normal. Most people overcome their addiction, but some can't stop and they die of an overdose. Apparently a teacher of life education was a victim of meth before she got her job.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
The Addiction
If you take me, I am part of you,
When you start tripping, you are already dead.
If you keep taking me, we are attached,
You get in to crimes, like robbery, gang violence, and murder,
You do all this just to get money to take me,
You go to jail, you can't see your kids, your wife, your family and friends,
You are stuck in hell, with no exit,
You finally do your time to get out of jail, but you can't resist me, so you take me again
You are mine now, forever, from now till death
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Why books are disappearing
Before researching:
I though that books where disappearing and that people were buying more technology, and that kids were getting a bit stupider more and more (as in not academically I mean perceptionaly and their knowledge about things) and I thought that technology is good and bad on the society
After researching:
I found out what books are a bit worse than technology because to make paper you need to chop down trees and that ruins the environment, even though technology has a bit of a bad impact on society, it also has a good impact, for example charities online, and orgonisations to stop making fun of gay people
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
1) What do these symbols on our flag stand for?
a) Blue background: the sky
b) Stars: the southern cross
c) Union Jack: Britan
2) Name the 3 flags of the 3 countries which are combined to make the Union Jack
Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England
3) When did we first use this NZ flag ?
4) What flag did we use from 1840 until then?
5) From 1834 to 1840 we used the United Tribes Flag. Insert an image of this flag.
6) Who kept chopping down the flagpole in Kororareka? Why?
7) What are the other official flags of NZ. Who are they used
for/when are they used?
Insert an image of the National Maori Flag. When did this flag first fly officially?
8)# Now you understand the basics of our present flag, work on a design for the flag you feel NZ should have. Insert your image.
Think about:
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Monday, 20 October 2014
Sunday, 19 October 2014
"MUM, where are my favourite socks," I asked yelling for help,
"and where are my tuesday undies" asked dad searching through his draws
"you know I have to wear them today,"
"just wear mondays undies no one is going to know," replied mum
"no ones going to know you say I'm going to know and to wear mondays undies" I say,
"pfft that would be idiotic" dad answered back with a streak in his voice,
this was only the beginning of our family disaster.
For the next few weeks things were starting to disappear and fast with dad losing his tuesday undies and me losing my favourite socks Isaac then lost his favourite bow tie while mum then lost her favourite dress we thought we were going mental its not like they could just hop up and run away said
Isaac mum suggested that we recap our steps when was the last time you had you items she said we all replied before washing day was the last time we had them so maybe its the washing machine thats caused all this drama mum said with a glimpse a hope in her eye ss we checked the washing machine there was… nothing with nothing to prove i decided to put a gopro in the machine to watch it in action to see if there was something suspicious really happening inside what I didn’t realize was that the washing machine would take my gopro too AHHH ITS GONE I yelled at the top of my voice what are we going to do lets just give up mum said to me fine if that’s the best idea i moaned a few weeks later isaac had dropped his toy car behind the washing machine and as we were looking for it a pair of undies popped up out of the blue just sitting there mum look i said with a big grin on my face who would have guessed we both stood there smiling
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Why Rimu is the best house in TIS
Write a PEEL paragraph responding to this statement
Rimu is the best syndicate at TIS.
You must:
Decide on your umbrella Point
Give at least 3 Explain reasons, each with an specific Example
Finish with a Linking sentence back to your P statement.
Use sequencing words for your reasons
Rimu is the best house in the school because we get to use our own computers for learning and we are one of the best at sport.
In the past Rimu has come first with a lot of stuff even out of sporting, I don't really know what they did come first in because I don't pay any attention to sport, but I do know that they came first or second or third in a lot of things.
We use computers for work because a lot of us aren't very good at working on paper and pencil.
In the past Rimu has come first with a lot of stuff even out of sporting, I don't really know what they did come first in because I don't pay any attention to sport, but I do know that they came first or second or third in a lot of things.
We use computers for work because a lot of us aren't very good at working on paper and pencil.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Why Mr. Diver is a good principal
Mr. Diver is a successful principal because how to control the school with having the fair share of order and freedom, and he also knows how to have fun with the students adults and classes. He is fair because he sets up a set of rules that doesn't violate students freedom, and when he bans something for example a type of food from the cantieen, he will let the students decide what food could replace it. He can have fun with the children of the school by joining their games for a small portion of the time, and can have fun with the adults the same way but chatting with them, he can also have fun with classes by teaching interesting stuff such as history. Mr. Diver is a good principal because of his co-operation with his school and his students.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
MMP voting
In MMP you have 2 votes, one vote goes to which party you want to represent New Zealand and each vote goes to a seat in parliament, but a party has to get over 5% the second vote goes to what person you want to represent regions and that person doesn't need to get more than half to win,
Monday, 15 September 2014
Ellection parties
Investigate The Civilian Party. What are some of their policies?
they want to make hamilton independantthey will give ice cream to people who vote for them
You want to set up a political party in this coming election. How do you do that?
Name your party. Tacocat
Create a policy for
HEALTH Tacos can be used to cure cancer
EDUCATION Students are allowed to leave school when they want to but if they do they cant live off the governments pay so they have to have a job. And the national standard will lower down to 3A to 4B. No more maths
DEFENCE New Zealand will make a trade system with America for military weapons, and together will take over Australia from the Australians and make it part of New Zealand.
BUSINESS Will higher the taxes for the rich and lower for the poor and will lower the currency
ENVIRONMENT New possum, stoats, and pests hunting season.
3 OTHER POLICIES OF YOUR CHOICEWe will stop our trading system with China and make a new one with America.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Time Zones
What is a time zone? a time zone is a zone that has their own time
Why do we have time zones? because it is logical because one part of the world is dark and one is light
How are the time zones set? they are set in regions where the sun shines
Which direction does the Earth rotate? Clockwise
Sunday, 7 September 2014
As I climb the mossy tree beside my habitat I see my friend looking out across the rainforest
"Whats wrong?" I ask him. He doesn't answer, I ask him again
"I said whats wrong?"
He breathes out deeply and says
"What do you think?" he says
"Is it about your parents?"
Thursday, 4 September 2014
As I walk into the hippos territory i was interrupted by the hippo.
"Stay out of my swamp" he says as he walks towards me to get me away from his habitat.
"Why?" I say as I stand my ground.
"Because this is my swamp and its too shrekulous for you," he says as he takes another step.
"If you let me in ill give you some onions," I say stepping back a step.
"Wh-what type of onions?" the hippo says
"The Shrek ones," I say smiling.
"Okay!" the hippo says as he steps out of my way to let me in to his swamp "wheres the onions?" he says excitedly.
"Here they are," say as i drop 3 onions for him to eat, without a moments hesitation he puts his head down and eats the onions.
"Thank you, they're so shrektastic" he says. "I got more in my swamp," I say to him smiling, "Okay," the hippo says. We walk into my swamp and we eat all the onions together, but after he ate the last one I killed him with my onion zuka, The End.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
How long have you been in this foreign country?
Why did you go there?
Describe the two people who are with you.
How did you lose your passport?
What repercussions does losing your passport have?
When you went looking for your passport, where did you look?
When did you realise that someone was following you? Describe this person.
While you were running away, you tripped and fell. What happened?
What was the big surprise at the end of your story?I was only nine years old when I moved to New Zealand I missed Merica and my freinds. I went there because my mum didnt want to live in americas disgusting culture like massive macdonalds burgers and polution everywhere. When I came out of the airport I was crying and i was so sad that I thought it was all ogre so i called on Shrek to help me, it took a while but after a few muinutes I smelt the scent of onions, "Shrek is here" i think to myself, Shrek crashed onto the ground and came to save me, he grabs me and flies me and my family back to America, so I could see my friends again, after that Shrek gave me an onion it was a shrektastic day
the 7 servants
Our teacher has asked us to write on a topic you dont know anything about, my topic is world of warcraft
What is the game: It is an online MMORPG called world of warcraft and it is very popular
Why was it made: So that players can enjoy an online world full of abilities and choices
Who made it: Michael Morhaime of Blizzard Entertainment
When was it made: 1994
How was it made: like lots of games it was made by coding and programming
Monday, 1 September 2014
Writing story
How long have you been on the planet?
Why did you go there?
Describe the two people who are with you.
Why is your spaceship damaged?
When you decided to leave your ship, how far did you walk?
What were you looking for?
When did you realise that someone was following you? Describe the creature.
While you were running away, you tripped and fell. What happened?
What was the big surprise at the end of your story? Sunday, 31 August 2014
dangerous decibels
In dangerous decibels we learnt about how loud things can affect your hearing, the things that can are the noises that go over 85 decibels, our teacher has asked us to make a list of things of facts about noise and things that can affect your hearing.
1. Any concert of any kind can severely affect your hearing but heavy metals the worst
2. If you turn your music up to much with earphones (or headphones but earphones are worse) it can damage your ears
3. It is better to have headphones instead of earphones because the earphones sound goes straight into your ears while headphones noise circles around and then goes in
1. Any concert of any kind can severely affect your hearing but heavy metals the worst
2. If you turn your music up to much with earphones (or headphones but earphones are worse) it can damage your ears
3. It is better to have headphones instead of earphones because the earphones sound goes straight into your ears while headphones noise circles around and then goes in
Sunday, 24 August 2014
As sharp as a little piece of glass lying on the ground waiting for the next bare foot to step on it
As shiny as the sun on a warm summers morning
As relaxed as a fat lazy cat lying on a confortable couch
Burning like a skin rash in ice cold water
As indicate as a tiny new watch on display in the the electronics store
As shiny as the sun on a warm summers morning
As relaxed as a fat lazy cat lying on a confortable couch
Burning like a skin rash in ice cold water
As indicate as a tiny new watch on display in the the electronics store
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Answer these questions
Number the animals in order
1st Rat
2nd Ox
3rd Tiger
4th Rabbit
5th Dragon
6th Snake
7th Horse
8th Goat
9th Monkey
10th Rooster
11th Pig
12th Cat
Which animal is not in the zodiac?
Why is this animal not in the zodiac?
Why was the emperor surprised about the animal which came in 5th place?
Look at the artwork
Find out the following
What is the zodiac animal for 2014?
What is the zodiac animal which represents the year you were born in?
What are the personality characteristics of your animal?
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Cameron Clapp
Write questions for the following answers:
Q. How old is Cameron Clapp √
A. 28
Q. When did he lose his limbs
A. September 15, 2001
Q.How did he lose his limbs
A. He was hit by a train.
Q. How many limbs has he lost
A. He has 3. One each for walking, running & swimming
Q. What movie was Cameron Clapp in
A .2008 feature film Stop-Loss.
Q.What does he do
A. He gives motivational talks to soldiers who have lost limbs.
Q. How much was his new limbs
A. $40,000 each.
Q. What type of new limbs does he have
A. Prosthetic.
Q. What limbs fell off
A. His right arm and both legs.
Q. What did Cameron say in one of his speeches
A. "I left the wheelchair five months after the accident and I don’t want to have to use it again."
Find and watch a recent video of Cameron. Embed the video.
Monday, 4 August 2014
Personal awareness
1. What edition of the Child Safety Handbook is this? Second Edition X
2. Where does the information in the CSH come from? child cancer foundation??? √
4. What are 3 medical conditions which can develop as a result of being overweight in childhood? Diabeties, Astma. √
6. True or False?
- Boys have more body fat than girls true X
- Being a vegetarian can affect your iron levels true √
- Children under 4 years ols shouldn’t eat raw carrots false X
- It is safe to store leftover food in cans false √
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
social dance story
once apon a time there was a mlg noscoper who went to social dance and he did not want to because he wanted to nospcope the ratans in the gymnaisiam, when he went into the hall he found people sitting down on the opisate sides of the hall, he sat on the side where the girls are, "your on the wrong side" no im not im a woman he/she said, after the teachers said men pick a partner, the noscoper was the last boy/girl and there was only one other boy that boy chose the noscoper and they lived happily ever after the end
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Moari gods
1. Who is Ranginui? Ranginui is the sky god the father that was split apart by the mother earth
2. Who is Papatuanuku? Papatuanuku is the mother the earth who was split apart from the father sky
3. Who is the Maori god of the forests? Tane-Mahuta is the god of forest and birds
4. Who is the Maori god of the winds? Tawhirmatea
5. Who is the Maori god of war? Tumatauenga
6. Who is the Maori god of the sea? Tangaroahere is the video of the creationm
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Student goes to court because of 'long hair'
this high school student has been sent to court for practically no reason at all the principle said that his hair was too long, to me or any other student or person who is logical and normal would think that is just the stupidest thing thy would have ever heard, his hair isn't even that long either he just has an afro, his principle also said that "we cannot allow this because other students will think this would be cool and do it themselves" also one of the most stupidest things I have ever heard, what student will think an afro is cool not many but this student has a right to have that hairstyle, so his school should probably change this rule, as well as all schools should change it New Zealand is the freest country in the entire world, to let long hair against the law or just the school rules is just plain stupid.
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
On Monday we were interrupted our teacher has got us to write down the problems and the solutions
Door Knock Messages:
When people come in our classroom and ask our teacher about stupid stuff that isn't important.
Solution: put a sign up on the door to say that if you dont want any person and want to do something else then dont come in
When we constantly get message on the telephone and all the students argue about who is picking up the phone
Solution: when the telephone rings, just be quiet and let the person who answers the phone talk to them
This is the most common is when we allways get a message over the speaker from ms coville and it never applies to us.
This hardly applies to me but all the other students in the class for them it kind of goes out for a second and pops back on.
Door Knock Messages:
When people come in our classroom and ask our teacher about stupid stuff that isn't important.
Solution: put a sign up on the door to say that if you dont want any person and want to do something else then dont come in
When we constantly get message on the telephone and all the students argue about who is picking up the phone
Solution: when the telephone rings, just be quiet and let the person who answers the phone talk to them
This is the most common is when we allways get a message over the speaker from ms coville and it never applies to us.
This hardly applies to me but all the other students in the class for them it kind of goes out for a second and pops back on.
Sunday, 22 June 2014
Scam letter
Today Ms. Campbell has showed us a scam letter she has received,
here it is
From: Emily Park <>
Date: Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 7:21 PM
Subject: Please Contact her for your money 12/06/2014 !!!
Please contact Mrs. Maria Farnandez through her email address ( or you can as well reach her on her telephone number which she gave to me directly (+234-9094654395)
Attn: Beneficiary,
I am Mrs. Emily Park, I am a US citizen, 66 years Old. I reside here in Centreville Virginia U.S.A.
My residential address is as follows.14852 Rock Landing Court Centreville Virginia 20121 United States and my email address is (
I am one of those that fall victims to scammers in Africa two years ago. I had lost over US$74,000 + for the past years while in the US . I was trying to get my payment all to no avail. And they always stopped my funds with one reason or the order.
So I decided to travel with my Son to WASHINGTON D.C with all documents, there the (FBI) was amazed and contacted the Nigeria embassy in the US . After some hours in that office, I was asked by the FBI officer to come back the next week.
When I did the FBI officer gave me the contact of one Mrs. Maria Farnandez who is a representative of the (FBI) and a member of the compensation award committee, currently in Nigeria .
And when I contacted her she explained everything to me. She said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake that I should fly down to Nigeria to see things for myself which I did and she took me to the paying bank for the claim of my compensation payment. This was paid to me successfully. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth because I have finally received my compensation funds of US$1,300,000.00. Moreover, Mrs. Maria Farnandez showed me the full Information of those that are yet to receive their compensation funds and this was how I came across only your email address and your full name.
The only Money I paid after I meet with Mrs. Maria Farnandez was just $250.00 for the ownership paper works.
There are several things wrong with this, and ms cambell has asked us to write down those very things.
Summarise who this letter is from, who it is to, and what it is about: it is about her being scammed and it is to a lot of people around the world
What are 2 reasons you know that this letter is a scam. it is badly traslated and its not too logical since she is sending it on the internet for someone to pay 250 dollars for a million
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Invisible Soldier
i think its going to be about either a movie about a futuristic soldier who is invisible and takes out his enemies or maybe there is american technology that makes soldiers invisible and makes the soldier transparent to his surroundings i think both of these because of invisible solider could be a name of a sort of movie or maybe technology,
I have now seen the video and it is a technology but its not just transparent but it actually makes you completely invisible which is pretty cool and also pretty scary i think its cool because snipers can turn invisible with a special suit but it can be scary because it could mess up some physics or the worlds light or atnosphere
Q. How long will it take for the invisible cloak or suit take to make?
A. 8 years
Q. What is the modern technology for soldiers?
A. Camouflage
Q. What is the cloak made out of?
A. A material pattern which can be used to camouflage soldiers in any terrain or environment.
Q. What is the cloak called?
A. The invisible cloak.
A. Quantum stealth technology.
Q. How does the invisible technology work?
A. By bending the light around the person.
Q. who will be wearing this technology?
A. Snipers.
Q. would you need any sort of on button or anything to make it work?
A. No, you don’t need a power source.
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Mode mean median and range
Mode mean median range
dont you think these words sound strange,
dont you think these words sounds strange
i will get your mind to change
Mode is a number that ocurs most
one two two three three three four
which is the number that i said more
three is the mode because it occurs the most
Now stop lets take it to the middle
gotta find the median no time to daddle diddle
find all the numbers from the smallest to the middle does a median change
go median middle number go median middle number
Now the third one not nice but mean
its the average number if you knojhjhw what i mean
just add up all the numbers and divide it by the number on what that is
mean one more round and the song is done
lets talk about range and have some fun
Its the biggest number minus the smallest number in the group in the group
Its the biggest number minus the smallest number in the group in the group
Mode mean median range
dont you think these words sound strange,
dont you think these words sounds strange
i will get your mind to change
dont you think these words sound strange,
dont you think these words sounds strange
i will get your mind to change
Mode is a number that ocurs most
one two two three three three four
which is the number that i said more
three is the mode because it occurs the most
Now stop lets take it to the middle
gotta find the median no time to daddle diddle
find all the numbers from the smallest to the middle does a median change
go median middle number go median middle number
Now the third one not nice but mean
its the average number if you knojhjhw what i mean
just add up all the numbers and divide it by the number on what that is
mean one more round and the song is done
lets talk about range and have some fun
Its the biggest number minus the smallest number in the group in the group
Its the biggest number minus the smallest number in the group in the group
Mode mean median range
dont you think these words sound strange,
dont you think these words sounds strange
i will get your mind to change
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Ryann Flax making instructions
1. You will need 1 bit of flax and cut them in half both in length as a ruler.
2. After you cut them in half get one bit of flax and fold them so one side is tilting down and one is tilting up.
3. Wrap the folded bit around the flat bit of flax.
4. Fold the flat flax like this so it interferes with the other flax.
5. Grab the strips sticking out and pull them so it looks like this
6. After that find a stick and stick it into the flax on the side that is shown above and then pin it in until you cant push the pin anymore so it looks like this:
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
- what is a sample? It's something you use to figure out something without using everybody or everything.
- why take a sample? So you can know something without getting everything. Because it would take too long and it can cost too much to test everything.
- what are some examples of sampling done irl? Hospitals, the Police, the Government.
- what does the word ‘population’ mean? Every single thing or person
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Story of Oliver
Once there was a guy named Oliver and he really liked old shoes and fedoras people always bullied him for that but he was a nice person deep inside he can turn into the hulk known as the fedora hulk who only wears fedoras and old shoes when he is a hulk. Once at a time when he went to school he found a dumpster full of old shoes fedora's and some socks he get 89 pairs of socks 59 pairs of fedoras and 27 pairs of old shoes when he put on the shoes and socks he ran very fast and then after that he put on the fedora and he started flying and he took it off and fell in a dumpster full of radioactive toxic waste after that he started glowing and he turned into the hulk then he put his fedora back on and started flying again he flew into the city to rob a second hand clothes shop. When he went into the clothes store and said to the counter lady in a very low and loud hulk voice "CA N YOUUU PLEASE GET ME SWOME CLOTHES FOR A FREEEEE PRIIIICE" "yes sir we can, but they wont fit you." the lazy lady says "OKKAAAAAY I DONT CAAARE" "ok this will take only a few thousand hours". Two weeks later a helecopter had a giant barrel full of old clothes and equipment ladys and mens and kids size "here you go" says the helecopter "THANK YOUUU, I WILL BE GOIN NOW." the fedora hulk also known as Oliver ran out the door.... "wait why did I give him all those clothes??!!, OI YOU MATE COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BUGGA" Oliver ran and ran back to his dumpster and turned back into a normal human "yay" says Oliver "my dream has come true!" and then he lived happily ever after..... just kidding he gets eaten by a giant demented duck and dies.... of childhood obesity.
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Miss cambells eye
the teacher has asked us to pretend we are her and pretend we are chatting with him
Miss C: Docter i have looked in my eye and it looks like its bleeding under my eyelid it doesn't hurt and it isn't irritating
Docter: It looks like its bleeding in the subconjunctival hemorrhage which is basicly a fancy word for bleeding under the eye uncontrollably
Miss C: What could have caused it
Docter: It could have been cause by rubbing the eye or constant sneezing or coughing, have you been doing that latley?
Miss C: Actually yes i had the flu earlier so i have been coughing and sneezing
Docter: Then that might be the case
Miss C: Then how do i treat it
Docter: If you dont rub it and leave it alone for a few days or a week then it will slowly go away but if it gets worse your welcome to come back
Miss C: Docter i have looked in my eye and it looks like its bleeding under my eyelid it doesn't hurt and it isn't irritating
Docter: It looks like its bleeding in the subconjunctival hemorrhage which is basicly a fancy word for bleeding under the eye uncontrollably
Miss C: What could have caused it
Docter: It could have been cause by rubbing the eye or constant sneezing or coughing, have you been doing that latley?
Miss C: Actually yes i had the flu earlier so i have been coughing and sneezing
Docter: Then that might be the case
Miss C: Then how do i treat it
Docter: If you dont rub it and leave it alone for a few days or a week then it will slowly go away but if it gets worse your welcome to come back
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Kia Kaha Revision
What are the characteristics of a bully:
Physical bully: Strong, dominate, obnoxious mental problems (ADHD) large scale, low academic skill, low self esteam (sometimes) problems at home. qaqq
Verbal bully: Try hard, popular, arrogant, obnoxious, Doughebaggy, spoilt, sometimes cyber bully,
What are the characteristics of a victim:
Small, quiet, depressed, lonely, harder worker, sensitive, weak, maybe the oposite of all that because the bullies might be jealous
Physical bully: Strong, dominate, obnoxious mental problems (ADHD) large scale, low academic skill, low self esteam (sometimes) problems at home. qaqq
Verbal bully: Try hard, popular, arrogant, obnoxious, Doughebaggy, spoilt, sometimes cyber bully,
What are the characteristics of a victim:
Small, quiet, depressed, lonely, harder worker, sensitive, weak, maybe the oposite of all that because the bullies might be jealous
Cup speakers
Cup speakers
Today the class went to some fun science experiments and we had to choose our favourite one my favourite one was the cup speakers what you do is you wet a sponge and you rub it on a string attached to a cup and then it would sound like a loud duck
Mary Anning Questions
1. What did she do
2. When was she born
3. When did she die
4. How did she die
5. When did her dog die
6. Why was she and her family so poor
7. Where did she die
8. What religion was she
9. What was her religion about
10. How old was she when she died
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Wildoy Visits Tauranga Intermediate
On Friday at assembly a person who has been walking around New Zealand came to our school.
Why did he visit Tauranga Intermediate and why did he start walking across New Zealand?
Because it's the biggest school in the Southern Hemisphere, and he was getting himself into trouble at school and at home, and also he is raising for charity
Who is he?
An adventurer named Brandon.
What is he doing?
He is walking around New Zealand to find out what life is.
Where is he going?
Around New Zealand near the shores.
When did he start?
1 year and 5 months ago.
Why did he visit Tauranga Intermediate and why did he start walking across New Zealand?
Because it's the biggest school in the Southern Hemisphere, and he was getting himself into trouble at school and at home, and also he is raising for charity
Who is he?
An adventurer named Brandon.
What is he doing?
He is walking around New Zealand to find out what life is.
Where is he going?
Around New Zealand near the shores.
When did he start?
1 year and 5 months ago.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Maria Gaetana Agnesi
1. When was she born and where
2. At what age did she start helping the homeless
3. At what age did she die and how
4. How many languages did she speak
5. How many siblings did she have
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Speed race game how to play it
When it starts the game you have to read the black word and find them in the blue link above, so you read the black word and click on the blue word which is a link to another bunch of links. You have to find the word in its very hard and it would probably take you 15 minutes to find even though you have about 2. So thats what you have to do you have to find the word in the links before the game ends.
Tips: What you could do to find the word is to find more links that is similar and could lead to the word for example: Pirates is the word and you find a word related which could be gold then click on that, and then do the same with the other links.
Tips: What you could do to find the word is to find more links that is similar and could lead to the word for example: Pirates is the word and you find a word related which could be gold then click on that, and then do the same with the other links.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Estuary run instructions
The teacher has asked us to write out instructions on how to help the year 7s with the estuary run, so heres some instructions and a map.
First the equipment you might need is running shoes and socks.
1. When we go on the field instead of the usual way we go down grace road until we hit the end.
2. When we hit the end we turn another right and go down the estuary.
3. Then when we come out out of the estuary we go back to Tauranga Intermediate.
First the equipment you might need is running shoes and socks.
1. When we go on the field instead of the usual way we go down grace road until we hit the end.
2. When we hit the end we turn another right and go down the estuary.
3. Then when we come out out of the estuary we go back to Tauranga Intermediate.
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