Tuesday 18 February 2014

What is a bivouac

In about a week our class and 41 is going to camp and we have to learn how to build a Bivouac

A Bivouac is a shelter made out of sticks in the forest it takes about 5 minutes to build one up. The direction the Bivouacs roof should be facing is where the wind is coming

My questions:
How do you make it stable? tie the sticks in really tight and put the sticks in the ground deep enough for it to hold
How do you make it so that is is not dirty?
How long can a Bivouac last?

Monday 17 February 2014

How to brush your teeth in space

How to brush your teeth in space
1. Put water from a water bag on your toothbrush
2. Squeeze on some tooth paste onto your tooth brush
3. Brush your teeth
4. Swallow your tooth paste because you can not spit in space
5. Then put away your tooth brush and tooth paste then your done

Thursday 13 February 2014

Google picture

What link does the google image take you to today? A weird chocolate game
Make a connection to today’s topic. Ive never had a valentine before
List 3 keywords which are related to today’s topic chocolate flowers and love
List 5 facts about today’s topic It was invented by saint valentine, its celebrated across the world in many different countries, cupert is about valentines day with his bow he makes people fall in love with each other, there was a movie about valentines day ironicly it was called valentines day, it was invented in the 6th century

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Kiwikids news article

Who? No one it was just a montain
When? in 1991 there was a huge rock collapse
Where? mt cook
What? the mountain was found 30m shorter
Why? because the huge rock collapse made it like the state that it is now
I wonder why…. that happened maybe if someone provoked it to do the thing it did
Other people should have…. it was fine to to the stuff they did to realize what happened

If this had been me, I would have... I wouldn't have relized in the first place

Monday 10 February 2014

How I get up in the morning

How to be me in the morning:

-Step 1 your phone alarm is supposed to go off but it never does because its always out of battery so you will get up when your mum wakes your up and then walk out your bedroom door like a zombie

-Step 2 so after you walk out the door you trip up every possible thing you can trip up on and then walk towards the shower

-Step 3 get out of the shower and go put some deodorant on but not lynx because if you have to be me your practically alergic  to it 

-Step 4 after you put on the deodorant  walk over to the kitchen trip up again and get a short pointless breakfast like drink out of the milk bottle then pack your lunch witch will have to be like one thing that you will eat all of it at morning tea and starve the rest of the day

Step 5 pack your bag and go out the door still half asleep and walking like a zombie all that was when your mum was lying around in bed being lazy not helping you one bit

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Why are these people carrying this banner?

These people are carrying the banner because they don't think the treaty has been honoured.

The treaty was signed on 6th Feb 1840. 40 maori chiefs signed it later 500 more signed most of the chiefs didn't know how to write. They used symbols and crosses.

The treaty was signed in waitangi which is above Aukland the treaty was between 2 groups the british and the maori. There is a Maori version and an English version .

They are now debating which treaty is more accurate.

How to do a daily blog post

When: everyday from 8:30-9:00
Why: to keep our writing skills
Where: on our personal blogs
What: can be anything
How: title, correct, SPG, finished by 9:00am label